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提供高质量的免费照片。我们从许多在线资源中寻找最好的免费图片,并把它们放在一个地方。大多数照片是CC0许可证(做任何你想做的)。此外,我们还提供来自Flickr等来源的所有创意共享和公共领域照片,并使直接从我们的网站嵌入这些照片成为可能。 High quality free photos in one place. We hunt for best free images from many online sources and pull them all together in one spot. Most of our photos are CC0 license (do whatever you want). Additionally we offer all Creative Commons and Public Domain photos from sources like Flickr and make it possible to embed them directly from our website.

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看

Stock up

https://www.sitebuilderreport.com/stock-up 通过聚集几十个免费的照片网站,我们只提供给我们明确许可的照片网站-作为回报,我们链接回他们的网站。我们的数据库一直在增长。我们推出了几千张照片,现在已经增长到20000多张免费库存照片! Stock Up works by aggregating dozens of free stock photo websites. We only include stock photo websites that explicitly give us permission— in return we link back to their website. Our database is always growing. We launched with a couple thousand photos and have now grown to 20,000+ free stock photos!

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看


古怪,有创意,免费的照片。 世界上最奇特的免费高分辨率图片收藏,包括世界上最好的,最有创意的图片-照片,你只是找不到任何其他地方。完全不受版权限制。 Quirky, Creative, Always Free Photos. The world\'s quirkiest collection of free high-resolution pictures, comprised of the world\'s best, most creative images - photos you just won\'t find anywhere else. All completely free of copyright restrictions.

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看


https://www.chamberofcommerce.org/findaphoto/ 10000张来自unsplash、jay mantri等公司的免费库存照片,可用于任何用途。按关键字和颜色搜索和浏览。 10,000 completely free stock photos from Unsplash, Jay Mantri, and many more, to use for any purpose. Search and browse by keyword and color. Finda.Photo has a simple and clean search engine to find CC0 licensed stock photos. They have options to search by keyword in the search bar, by popular tags, by source, or even by color. Unlike some other photo searching services, Finda Photo is not clogged with advertisements or other distractions.

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看

New Old Stock


2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看



2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看


Discover a world of unbounded creativity. Explore a massive asset library, and Quixel’s powerful tools, plus free in-depth tutorials and resources. 发现一个无限创造力的世界。探索一个庞大的资产库,Quixel的强大工具,以及免费的深入教程和资源。 Quixel megascans library

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看


Balanceconnected的创始人是一位经验丰富的室内设计师和3D艺术家。 我们对艺术和室内设计充满热情,拥有十多年的专业经验和优秀的职业道德,我们对质量和专业精神的敬畏不折不扣。为建筑效果图和室内设计提供更漂亮和简洁的三维资源。为艺术家提供更具启发性的创作灵感。 The founder of Balanceconnected is an experienced interior designer and 3D artist. We are passionate about art and interior design, with more than 10 years of professional experience and excellent professional ethics, we have no compromise on quality and awe of professionalism. Provide more beautiful and concise 3D assets for architectural renderings and interior design. Provide artists with a more inspiring creative inspiration.

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看


VIShopper的创始人在建筑可视化领域活跃了近二十年。因此,我们结合我们的知识和经验,建筑可视化创建一个用户友好的一站式数据库,为不同类型的建筑效果图后期制作提供后期素材和纹理。 我们的目标是提供一个多功能和多样化的选择,不同的人,树木和其他材料,以帮助创造惊人的和照片级的未来建筑的真实感图像。 The founders of VIShopper have been active in the world of architectural visualization for almost two decades. So we combined our knowledge and experience of architectural visualization to create a user-friendly one-stop database for different kind of textures and cutouts used in postproduction of architectural renderings. Our aim is to provide a versatile and diversified selection of different cut out people, trees and other materials to help create stunning and photorealistic images of the architecture of tomorrow.

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看

Scan The World

The Open Source Museum Discover STL files for 3D printing ideas and high-quality 3D printer models. | MyMiniFactory 开源免费的博物馆扫描模型库。 Scan the World扫描世界是一个雄心勃勃的社区建设倡议,其使命是共享3D打印雕塑和文化艺术品模型,使用民用的3D扫描技术,制作积累一个广泛的文化遗产模型生态系统,并免费数字下载。在使文化无障碍的过程中,社区鼓励分享他们的扫描、故事和创作,目的是给大众带来有形的历史遗产。 Scan the World is an ambitious community-built initiative whose mission is to share 3D printable sculpture and cultural artefacts using democratised 3D scanning technologies, producing an extensive ecosystem of free to download digital cultural heritage. In making culture accessible, communities are encouraged to share their scans, stories, and creations with the goal to bring tangible heritage to the masses. Share your stories with us at stw@myminifactory.com!

2022-02-18 - 收藏 - 点击查看