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Active Search Results Search Engine

Active Search Results Search Engine(www.activesearchresults.com)Active Search Results (ASR) is an independent Internet Search Engine using a proprietary search engine ranking technology. All search results are provided by ASR\\\\\\\'s internal indexes and databases without relying on outside resources or third party search engines. ASR maintains its own spiders visiting Web sites daily that are submitted to ASR and crawlers that index other popular Web sites on the Internet.search engine,active search results page rank,page rank

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看


奥斯卡官网(oscar.go.com)Get the latest news about the 2014 Oscars, including nominations, predictions, winners, and red carpet fashion at 86th Academy Awards Oscar.com.oscars,oscars 2014,oscar,academy awards,academy awards,academy awards 2014,86th academy awards

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看

Free Web Monitoring

Free Web Monitoring(www.freewebmonitoring.com)Free Web Site Monitoring. Monitor your web site\\\\\\\'s availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with instant email alerts and weekly web site performance statistics.free web monitoring,web monitoring,free monitoring,monitoring,web site monitoring,free web site moni

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看


美国土木工程师协会(www.asce.org)美国土木工程师协会(The American Society of Civil Engineers,简称ASCE),成立于1852年,至今已有150余年的历史,是美国历史最悠久的国家专业工程师协会。目前,ASCE已成为全球土木工程界的领导者,所服务的会员是来自159个国家近14万的专业技术人员。ASCE也是全球最大的土木工程出版机构,每年有5万多页的出版物,包括30种专业技术期刊、图书、回忆录、委员会报告、实践手册、标准和专论等。为了鼓励在工程师之间分享更多的信息,ASCE已和其他国家的65个土木工程学会达成了合作协议。ASCE涵盖了交通、运输、能源、建筑、给排水、水文学、水力学、水资源、环境学和航空航天等土木工程类的所有学科领域。美国土木工程师协会,美国,土木工程师,协会,asce,www.asce.org

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看

Patriot Update

Patriot Update(www.patriotupdate.com)Patriot Update成立于2009年,是美国日常生活的主要新闻来源之一。和大多数的带有自由派倾向的主流媒体不同,Patriot Update为爱国的美国人及时准确地提供他们所关心的新闻。主流媒体到底有什么问题?引用美国新闻周刊的编辑Evan Thomas最近在接受MSNBC(微软全国有线广播电视公司)采访时的一句话:“(在主流媒体眼中)在某种程度上,奥巴马超越国家,睥睨世界——几乎成神。”新闻记者有权发表自己的政治观点,但不是抛弃准确和客观公正。Patriot Update立志不让任何一个人成为神,追求报道的准确性和客观性。patriot update

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看

500px is Photography

500px is Photography(500px.com)500px is Photography photos, photographers, photo portfolio, online photo portfolio, photo digest, web photo portfolio, online photo gallery, share pictures, professional photography, social photography, upload photographs, share photo, outstanding photo portfolio, photo community, fresh photos, portfolio in seconds, models vs photographers, commercial photography, architectural photography, professional portfolio managementphotos,photographers,photo portfolio,online photo portfolio,photo digest,web photo portfolio,online

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看

Icon Search Engine

Icon Search Engine(findicons.com)FindIcons.com - Search through 300,000 free icons in more than 2,000 icon packsfree icons,download icons,png icons,web icons,icon search

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看


MarkMonitor(www.markmonitor.com)MarkMonitor | Brand Protection, Domain Management, Anti Piracy, Anti Fraudmarkmonitor,brand protection,domain management,anti piracy,anti fraud

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看



2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看


奥巴马医保网站(www.healthcare.gov)Health Insurance Marketplace, Affordable Care Act | HealthCare.gov奥巴马医保网站www.healthcare.gov Learn how the health care law affects you at Healthcare.gov. The official site of the Health Insurance Marketplace. See your health insurance choices.health insurance marketplace,affordable care act,奥巴马医保网站,奥巴马,医保网站,www.healthcare.gov

2023-08-26 - 收藏 - 点击查看