HBF Textiles
- 241人气指数
- 1百度权重
- 0搜狗权重
- 0Alexa排名
- 1入站次数
- 2出站次数
- 2022-02-18收录时间
- 2022-02-18更新时间
- 官网链接:www.hbftextiles.com
- 所属分类: 设计素材
- 备 案 号:
- 官网简介:
HBF Textiles,室内软装材料的提供商,包括:woven upholstery 编织装饰,wrapped panel & systems,panel包裹面板,coated fabric 涂层织物,drapery 窗帘,leather 皮革。素材样本可以下载使用。 纹理带来生命力 HBF纺织品陈列室 HBF纺织品面料通过给用户和设计人员社区和充满生命力的空间。我们的专业知识来源于理解面料如纱线,染色,纺纱,结构和编织的内在品质。 Bringing Texture to Life HBF Textiles Chicago Showroom HBF Textiles gives dimension to the lives and spaces of users, designers and communities through the essential qualities of fabric. We reveal the hand of the maker and the intentionality of design in everything we make. Our expertise comes from understanding the inherent qualities of fabric—yarn, dyeing, spinning, structure and weave. When combined with our innovative material sources, we create considered applications that are versatile and beautiful. What we produce is not just textiles, but a larger web of relationships. Weaving textiles together with manufacturing and production, we are part of a two-hundred year old legacy of textile manufacturing within North Carolina. And, with like-minded mills and collaborators––locally and globally––we explore together the myriad of possibilities of what fabric can be.
- TAG标签:贴图 纹理 布料 皮革
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