浏览量:62 | 2023-09-01 点击查看
浏览量:52 | 2023-09-01 点击查看
Gobotree是一个基于网络的数字内容库,服务于建筑师、3d可视化者、VFX工作室、游戏设计师、哑光画家和其他创意专业人士的需求。 我们提供的数字资产经过精心挑选,可以帮助您加快工作流程,补充您的想法,并为您的作品增添个性。 在这里,你可以找到各种各样的资源,包括2D和3d人物、剪贴图片、纹理、背景板和参考照片,所有这些都是通过一个直观的搜索引擎提供的。 搜索超过35k的令人惊叹且相关的高分辨率图像,以及越来越多你在其他任何地方都找不到的3d模型。 Gobotree is a web-based digital content library serving the needs of architects, 3d visualisers, VFX studios, game designers, matte painters and other creative professionals. The digital assets we provide are carefully selected to help you speed up your workflow, compliment your ideas and add personality to your artwork. Here you can find a wide range of resources, including 2D & 3d people, cutouts images, textures, background plates and reference photography all delivered through an intuitive searching engine. Search in over 35k of amazing and relevant high-resolution images and a growing collection of 3d models you can\'t find anywhere else.
浏览量:159 | 2022-02-18 点击查看
nonscandinavia 通过提供免费、高分辨率的人物素材增加建筑表现的多样性,。这些图像大多没有被授权用于商业用途,不是模型。本网站及其内容仅用于教育用途,增加对建筑课程多样性的对话和意识,不得在未经其合法所有者同意和允许的情况下,用于任何形式的商业工作。 NONSCANDINAVIA is an attempt to increase diversity in architectural representation through the provision of free, high-res, cut out people of all kinds. Most of these images have not been licensed for commercial use, and depict everyday people, not models. This website and the contents therein are intended only for educational use, to increase dialogue and awareness of diversity in architectural curriculum, and may not be legally used for commercial work of any kind without the consent of their rightful owners and permission from those depicted. No money is being made off of this site.
浏览量:188 | 2022-02-18 点击查看
VIShopper的创始人在建筑可视化领域活跃了近二十年。因此,我们结合我们的知识和经验,建筑可视化创建一个用户友好的一站式数据库,为不同类型的建筑效果图后期制作提供后期素材和纹理。 我们的目标是提供一个多功能和多样化的选择,不同的人,树木和其他材料,以帮助创造惊人的和照片级的未来建筑的真实感图像。 The founders of VIShopper have been active in the world of architectural visualization for almost two decades. So we combined our knowledge and experience of architectural visualization to create a user-friendly one-stop database for different kind of textures and cutouts used in postproduction of architectural renderings. Our aim is to provide a versatile and diversified selection of different cut out people, trees and other materials to help create stunning and photorealistic images of the architecture of tomorrow.
浏览量:178 | 2022-02-18 点击查看