- 180人气指数
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- 1入站次数
- 2出站次数
- 2022-02-18收录时间
- 2022-02-18更新时间
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- 所属分类: 设计素材
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nonscandinavia 通过提供免费、高分辨率的人物素材增加建筑表现的多样性,。这些图像大多没有被授权用于商业用途,不是模型。本网站及其内容仅用于教育用途,增加对建筑课程多样性的对话和意识,不得在未经其合法所有者同意和允许的情况下,用于任何形式的商业工作。 NONSCANDINAVIA is an attempt to increase diversity in architectural representation through the provision of free, high-res, cut out people of all kinds. Most of these images have not been licensed for commercial use, and depict everyday people, not models. This website and the contents therein are intended only for educational use, to increase dialogue and awareness of diversity in architectural curriculum, and may not be legally used for commercial work of any kind without the consent of their rightful owners and permission from those depicted. No money is being made off of this site.
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